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Old 01-19-2013, 03:52 PM
chromakey chromakey is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 84
chromakey is on a distinguished road
Default Update

Good Day:

I have been running the tank for several months now and have recently added a flame angle and wrasse and I am planning to add a file fish when the LFS gets them in.

My fish load will be 2 clowns false percs, 2 wrasses, flame angel and file fish.

For filtration I have the bat filter media, chemipure elite and a smaller bag of carbon & GFO in the filter basket, and I am running an Aquamaxx skimmer (I have an issue with the gurgling/slurping sound from the discharge that I am trying to sort out as well).

I do a 4 gallon water change every two weeks with RO water.

I just measured all the parameter of the tank yesterday with API test kit:

Temp: 80 F, pH: 8.2, Amon/nitrite/nitrate: 0, Ca: 440ppm, Carbonate Hardness: 12 dKH, Phosphate: 0, SG: 1.025.

With the increase in bioload and feeding I am looking to increase my filtration so my water quality doesn't drop and get algae bloom and other bad things.

I have a Fluval 305 canister filter that I can use but was wondering what the best setup would be.

I was thinking of a GFO/carbon reactor but I have no experience with this type of filtration and wasn't sure of the increase efficiency over GFO/Carbon in filter basket.

I also have a 8 Gallon Nuvo tank in my daughter's bedroom with two small clowns. I was thinking of adding on the 305 onto the tank if it won't be using it for my JBJ 28 Gallon Nano.

Thanks for your time,


PS. What is the max size of file attachments you are allowed?

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