Originally Posted by Youngster Dan
Yeah, I agree a group order with 70 people with the way we have it, or group orders with small amounts of frags each our set up would be less than ideal.
What do you think of having the person who gets the shipment is charged the 50 dollars shipping, and everyone else gets "free shipping". Presumably so that the group order can figure how to share the shipping amongst the group.
We want what's best and we are certainly open to suggestions.
If only 1 person is charged the shipping, it should be the person receiving the coral so they can expect payment from the others before handing the frags over to people. I think that might work better then $10 per person and what if more then 5 order, etc etc.... Then it can be devided up between the people fairer.. if I order 1 frag i shouldn't have to pay as much of the shipping portion as somebody that orders 20... IMO.
I agree everyone should have to place their own order. And be able to select option "Group Buy Calgary Jan 20" or whatever.
A free shipping if order is over ______ would be nice too. PERSONALLY I am more likely to spend more money on frags to help reach that goal if I know I wont have to pay for shipping (given that its not something like 500$... 300-400 seems to be the standard for all those i've purchased frags from)