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Old 01-16-2013, 06:15 PM
FragIt Dan's Avatar
FragIt Dan FragIt Dan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Nanaimo, BC
Posts: 337
FragIt Dan is on a distinguished road

FREE Shipping to Calgary on Saturday (Jan 19). Ryan has offered to take some frags back and act as a bit of an air courier for us for people who can pick them up in Calgary... thank you Ryan This means free shipping for anyone who would like to pick anything up.
I will post some pics of some of my frags that are ready to go over the next few posts. Sizes are approximate, names are my best guess (please feel free to correct me if I am wrong) so go off the picture and not the name, pictures are all of my stuff, not pics from the web. All my frags are grown from frags that I have gotten from other people or stores. I do not buy colonies and frag them up. having said that, some pieces may be freshly cut from colonies that I have grown out over the last several years, but if this is the case I will let you know. The vast majority of stuff are well established frags or mini colonies. If you have any questions feel free to PM me and I can give you my phone number. I have hosted a CanReef frag swap on Vancouver Island with people like Aquatro, BBlinks and Ricereef in attendance, so if you would like some independent opinions of my stuff just post up and I am sure you will get an answer.
Here is a preview of my frag tank with frag pics to come...
Link to my Tank Upgrade Thread
Dan Leus, Marine Biologist
20+ Years Marine Aquarium Experience
Save the Reef, Buy a Frag!
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