trust me i have been there multiple times in the last 2 years, weither its the dreaded marine velvet ( happened twice) and a total tank crash from not maintaining it (busy with work and never home), constant bickering from my mom that the tank looks bad and i'm wasting my money.....etc. I was pretty much ready to throw in the towel and wait until i moved out of my parents place to restart.
Well once construction season came to a hault and I wasn't in the field or doing 12 hrs a day, I had realized how relaxing this hobby could be just by staring at my tank with the fish swimming around and the couple of mushrooms and toadstool swaying back and forth from the wave. My stress would just melt away. After this realization I was hooked again, and viewed this as a new build with upgrading my existing equipment, and finally getting rid of my aiptasia problem and recycling my tank again. (i should of taken all the sand out at that time as i suffered a little crash from syphoning the sand later and having my po4 spike thats another story

). Now I can change the rock scape to what i want it to look like from other inspiring tanks, and i'm working on getting my tank to be as little maintenance as possible and having things automated so i can enjoy the relaxing and soothing aspect of the hobby.