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Old 01-16-2013, 03:33 AM
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
I took the rest with a grain of salt after I read their article on how crossbreeds are bad and imply that most people who doesn't register their dogs or sell crossbreeds are out to scam you and don't care for their animals.
Never even read that part, just pointing out the registering part. I have a pitty X from the SPCA, best dog ever.
That being said, if someone with a cross is trying to get big bucks for puppies, it's pretty scammy
For purebred dogs, sold as purebred, they must be registered and accompanied by papers by law. Any decent breeder would know this and not offer paperless options, cheaper or not.
I agree papers are pointless to most people, I keep mine around so I remember my dogs birthdays -lol
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