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Old 01-16-2013, 03:31 AM
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Seriak Seriak is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Calgary
Posts: 954
Seriak is on a distinguished road

With my first tank I got bored, which lead to poor maintenance, which led to deaths and no growth, which lead to more deaths and the tank falling apart which lead to me rethinking this hobby. Now that I really get involved with photos and automation and really watching things grow and then fragging them and redesigning, I am staying way more interested. And I have done a weekly water change for a year now which I think has helped a lot, along with the big three on the tests and dosing. (Ca, Alk, Mg)

The biggest thing for me also is staying active on the forum and talking with people. They keep me interested.
So many ideas, so little money!
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