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Old 01-16-2013, 03:21 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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intarsiabox is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
it just doesn't make sence. it cost under 20 bucks to regester a dog as a private individual, if you are a breeder doing 2 or more of a litter it is even cheeper. why would they discount 300 to 800 bucks to save 20?
usaly if they don't register them it is because they can't.

Not everyone breeds dogs to make lots of money, usually just the bad ones. I met the mother and father, saw their awards, saw their pedigrees, have copies of the vet checks and list of diseases/genetic defects that were tested for, have copies of the all their first shots and vacinations. The actually asked me at the time of sale if wanted to have him registered but after all this why would I care if he came with a piece of paper as he was getting fixed so it would be worthless anyway. I bought a friend for the family and a companion for my other dog, not bragging rights. As I stated, they were selling their acearage and needed to get rid of the dogs. They were getting old and moving into town so they couldn't breed dogs any more as it was getting to be too much for them with the kids all grown and moved away. Some people don't actually breed animals for the money as hard as that is for some people to believe, it is because they love the dogs. The owner ran a very successful business and just bred dogs for fun, their house was selling for well over a million dollars. Just because someone doesn't pay a fortune for a dog doesn't mean that there is a problem with the animal. The OP just needs to make sure that regardless of what dog he buys that he ensures all the proper vet checks and vaccinations have been done to lessen the chance of health issues down the road.
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