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Old 01-16-2013, 02:53 AM
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Ram3500 Ram3500 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Langley
Posts: 294
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Anyone who says that golden retrievers are not the smartest or like blonds . Has never owned one . I have had two retrievers our first one was so smart at times I thought she could read my mind. Unfortunately she passed away at the young age of six. Our current golden is nine and she still has the energy of a puppy . Great dogs I cants say enough about the loyalty factor they have followed by two boys around like they were there own pups. My first golden would put my son to bed when he was little and as soon as he fell asleep she would walk down stairs after doing her job. Good luck finding a new member to your family but I do warn you that your Going to need a good vacuum
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