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Old 01-15-2013, 01:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Seriak View Post
What type of router!

Mine initially gave my router an ip of but my network was using a D-Link router which uses the range. I had to use the utility on the CD to manually change my IP into the correct range.
Im using a Telus router, Actiontec V1000H. I got it back online I can access if from both my windows PC and my Mac with the base unit IP address but when i go to up date it, the window reads this

Loading firmware file into memory
Firmware file load complete...
Calculating Apex Start Checksum Vector
Calculating Apex Start Checksum Vector complete...
The controller address is:
Connecting to controller at address:
Connected, waiting for login prompt
Login prompt detected, sending user name information
User name accepted, sending password information
Waiting for login to be accepted
Login successful
Login successful
Requesting boot loader version information
Placing Apex in read to receive mode
Trying to connect: attempt 1
Found ARP entry at address:
Waiting for input from Apex, timed out
Trying to connect: attempt 2
Found ARP entry at address:
Waiting for input from Apex, timed out

and so on and so on with out ever getting passed the Apex timing out

right now im trying to load the "aqua4.hex" file
my IP add is:
my HTTp Port is: 80
user is: admin
pass is: 1234

ive also tried restarting the base unit with no luck as well
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