Originally Posted by Titus99
Haha. Now that's a hijack if I ever saw one. Lol
Yes I use the juice to excite them. And I'll try this every other day. Should each head head eat or does one feed the other like lps
every head does need to eat but not at the sale times , basically by feeding every day you allow the heads that dont get fed to feed the next day or day after , so say if i feed every three days then the heads that dont eat dont eat again untill 3 days later , suncorals can go a long time without food but if too long go into hibernation ....this is when the process starts over.
its easier to just not miss a feeding then to try to recover feeding forget.
suncorals also base their growth off of feedings , so if you want lots of growth or even for them to drop clones lots of food is the key.
overall suncorals and dendros are the easier of the nps corals but do require some consistency.
try hand feeding a dendro colonie pellets for 3 mths straight for hours on end lol gets frustrating but the reward is great and the beauty cant be beat