Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-12-2013, 05:44 AM
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I figured I would throw my two cents in here.
the purple tang at steves is 2" inches in size..pretty much the smallest purple tang that I have seen actually
at this point, this tang is far from being able to kick the other tang's butts in his tank. he is also adding it as his last tang which is the proper thing to do when coming to potentially aggressive fish.
I have a large purple tang in a 90 gallon with a smaller regal tang and they have zero aggression towards each other..
in fact, they hang out together.
I don't think that putting a purple tang in a 90 is the worst thing to do...especially keeping the size of the purple tang in mind.
we all have done things that we probably shouldn't have...some much more so than what this gentleman is considering.
most fish will show aggression given the right circumstance.
I personally think the fish would be fine for now, and IMO, will have a good chance of being fine in the future.
I am sure that for everyone that has an aggressive purple tang, there is someone that doesn't.
This being said, if you are having issues with your tank, adding any fish (especially tangs which are prone to ich) is not a wise move regardless of the species.
and to your original question..yes a purple tang for 100.00 is a great deal and I am actually very surprised that Steve still has it.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 01-12-2013 at 05:49 AM.