Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-11-2013, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by waynemah View Post
I'm 99% sure if you just posted the price question, everything would be fine... But, it really sounds like you were poking for some reassurance that it would be a good decision.

I've seen peoples tanks packed with seemingly happy and healthy fish, but they truly care for them and provide the best care possible. I've also seen people put fish together that do not belong, some get lucky and some don't. Everything I've read here points to a couple of very basic things.

1. Any tang should be provided as much swimming space as possible. When you start cooping up several larger tangs together, is when it becomes an ethical problem. What's the limit? Who knows...

2. Adding a purple tang is a risk to your current fish. Some people are more lucky than others, but for the most part they are aggressive. Everyone here has taken some sort of risk when new additions hit the tank. I'd just say keep an eye on your tank and take corrective action if required.

$100 is a great deal... It's your money, but be happy that people are trying to share their experience to help you make an educated decision.
Exactly thank-you
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie