Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-11-2013, 11:02 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
And I am because there is a chance that the purple tang will not be purchased and killl some other fish in his tank. It is his decision alone and I hope he considers the tang first.

Look, sometimes I may go overboard on what I see, in my opinion, as an unethical practise.

I have condemned LFS both on this board and at the LFS for bringing in fish like Moorish Idols.

Poor judgment is another issue. Some reefers take advice/criticism on this board and make the decision to do the right thing and postpone their purchase.

However some reefers with an attitude just do what they want regardless of the adivise or cautions of others.

It has been my experience that the ones with attitude quidkly come and go on this board because eventually they will have a major disaster and quit the hobby. The others will enjoy there tanks and the crittters therein for a very long time.
Look you bleeding heart...
If you feel so strongly about this, you shouldnt have an aquarium at all.
This hobby is horrible for the environment and the animals that you purport to care so much for.

ANY animal you pull out of the ocean is going to live a more stressed, unhealthier, shorter life than it would in the wild.

Even if splitting splitting hairs makes you feel's just a feeling.

f you want to be an activist, don't be a reefer.

And another thing, while I have seen some pretty lame statements under your name, equating success in reefing to attitude tops them all.
Just because you feel like you have some good advice to offer, doesn't really mean you do.

here's some light reading for ya..

Last edited by gobytron; 01-11-2013 at 11:15 PM.