WHeeeee! Where is that smily face that beats a dead horse? Ahhh here we go
I've had a purple tang in my 120gal since 2006, its the only tang in there and I won't add second one to that tank. For some reason its highly aggressive towards my snowflake moray and initially beat up on the CBB that I bought in 2008. Removing the tang from the tank for a week allowed the CBB to settle in but it never has warmed up the the eel.
Both of my tangs (there is a powder blue in my 140gal frag tank) came from people who were shutting down. If you consider that the alternative would have been a long and possibly fatal stay at Total Pet I think I've given them a good home. Oh and I guess I could mention that the purple tang cost me $50 since that was apparently the real purpose of this thread.