01-11-2013, 03:36 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
Originally Posted by Aquattro
lol, give your head a shake! The SOL and the Radion are pretty much on par.
how so?? considering were talking g2 not g1
Slight differences in spread vs. penetration
there def is,slight being being night and day, remember were talking g2 so par is much better
but in action, provide similar results.
so do alot of leds doesnt mean they are even comparable
Is a $400 SOL comparable to a $1200 Mitras? No, of course not,
obviously, which is why i said to go that route, if you can afford it, same with the radion pros.
but saying anything AI is crap is just wrong . no actually i really believe the aqua illumination is crap and i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt do much more of anything with their lights in the future, have you used the vega yet?? sorry if i offfended you buy yah its crap in fact ill repeat it....anything ai IMO is crap, is it worth $400....maybe , on its best day, 2 years ago
remember you can get 2 g2 for the price of three Ai sols , they arnt even in the same category , the g2 isnt in the same category as the pros or mitras as well either so aot has to do with your budget , spec wise there are great differences in them all