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Old 01-11-2013, 05:16 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Seriak View Post
Now if you only had some Darth Mauls to finish it off


Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Those are some interesting palys!
they are cool as hell , growing fast to i must say for the short time ive had them , i looked for these forever and finally someone came through and surprised me with them

Originally Posted by kien View Post
I love those harlequin shrimps! ..but I love my starfish more

you know some harlequins have been known to feed the starfish and keep it alive while they eat it

but yeah not a starfish to be found in my tank besides millions of brittle stars , they eat a chocolate starfish a week and they usually share , once they get down to the last bit the smaller one ( male maybe?) isnt allowed to finish untill the larger one is completely done.

they are also surprising nimble little buggers theyve ended up in my sump several times, and overflow box as well they have a neat way of getting to their prey no matter what the obstacle.

ive put their senses to the test several times while they were in my sump , i drop a star on the farthest side of a 36" sump and they are headed for it immediately ,with in minutes its upside down , sometimes they take it home to dine in sometimes they eat right then and there.

7 days later like clockwork its new starfish time

if i dont feed them a starfish they go hunting for whatever they can find,expensive to keep considering its a starfish a week . i use to feed them frozen but now just give them the whole star at once.
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