Originally Posted by reefwars
honestly russ you want a nice tank so id scrap the common fish idea like the tomato clown and fire fish and damsel, since you have a rimless tank i doubt your going to cover it so avoid jumpers if you can.
sounds like you want movement
i love the ember blenny suggestion, love the kole tang suggestion,id do a designer pair of clowns maybe some snowflakes and i would do a anthias maybe a bartlett( i love these guys )
i always pick fish for jobs so a mandarin/scooter is a must have for me , same with a wrasse in which case i love leopards and a black leopard would fit your tank fine provided you can find a place for him to sleep, they are also tricky to get eating but much easier then other leopards are.
Denny does ember blenny require sand? as I have barebottom.
So my list now is:
1. Damsel and Firefish is already in tank

so no way I will get them out, just if I decide to tear it down.
2. Ember or Tail spot Blenny. I like ember blenny but have to check on sand bed.
3. A group of anthias (like bartlets) or McCosker's Flasher Wrasse. I like very much Lineatus Fairy Wrasse as per Albert, but I am affraid will not find and will cost me a fortune.
4. Will look into nice pair of clowns. I would be looking into the clowns that will host anemonies
5. As a show fish I will say Kole Tang for now.
Denny would yo be able to find me these fishes stage by stage?