Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-11-2013, 04:00 AM
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chevyjaxon chevyjaxon is offline
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there aren't any issues with my tank other than me raising my salinity. which my tank is now doing nicely from. I do a minimum 20% change every week which consists of two 15 gallon water changes. my total system is 150 gallons. I rarely have any issues with fish in my tank, and always take any appropriate measures to make sure all are healthy. a purple tang is not conspecific to anything I have in my tank. like I've said I have kept a scopas,unicorn, and yellow tang all housed together at the same time in this tank. just because other people have had no sucess for what ever reason, dosent mean that I won't be sucessful. In all likelyhood I won't be getting the fish from steve now because of the animosity you are all stirring up about this. but that dosent mean that I still won't go out next week when I'm sure my tank can handle it and purchase one. if I were an irresponsible aquariast that fish would already be in my tank period. and end of discussion. I started this thread not to rile the tang police but instead to find out what is a fair price is for this particular fish. oh one more thing, the reason for my sucess with tangs is the fact that I have nearly three grand worth of live rock in my tank. lotsa territory to name and hide in on my small reef by that measure.
always just 2cents until im broke