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Old 01-11-2013, 01:54 AM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Varies from fish to fish. I've had both shy guys and bar stars (well, the marine betta equivalents), lol.

Trio? Foursome? Quintet? Whatever's within your means and availability. They have a pretty marginal impact on bioload. Keep in mind that it is one male per species to each tank though.

The rest of your list looks fine.

I do not agree with this statement. Kole tangs and doliatus rabbits are perfectly content in a 65 as long as you don't have a rock wall taking up all the space.
The rabbit needs a minimum 100 gallon. see comment

The powder blue is completely out of the question. Kole tangs kinda hang around rather than swim and are doable in a smaller tank but there are tons of smaller fish more suitable for your tank.
With wrasse you need a top for your tank or they will jump
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