Originally Posted by fishoholic
A 65g is way to small for any tang or rabbitfish (even a small one) so scrap that idea. Pick one type of clownfish and stick with that as different types will fight and try to kill each other.
There are lots of nice colourful fairy wrasses that you could look into. If you're willing to take a risk with your coral a dwarf angelfish can be a beautiful addition. Tail spot blenny's are awesome fish and once they settle into your tank they are often out in the open were you can see them.
Anthias can get pretty big and are fairly tricky/finicky fish. Ideally you want 5-7 females to one male or just keep only one anthia. Also most people think of them as fairly peaceful fish but in reality most anthias are really mean/aggressive towards other fish. My 2" tiara anthia has gone after my 3-4" yellow tang, and he killed a fairy wrasse.
If you want schooling fish I'd stick to chromis or cardinals.
Totally agree about Tang in 65g tank. It is my type of color/shape/behaviour fish for show fish

so would be tang until I find something