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Old 01-10-2013, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by SanguinesDream View Post
So I bought this beautiful Blue Linkia sea star yesterday and I thought that I asked all the right questions but I didn't research about acclimating prior to putting it in my tank.

The gent at the lfs stressed that the salinity must be at 1.025 and as I checked my tank that morning, I was right on the button. Unfortunately, I did not know about not exposing it to the air, the gent at lfs did, so a big deduction right off the start. I did buy the piece of liverock that it was attached to, so as not to stress it out. But I did not drip acclimate it and just placed it in my QT tank.

Then I read up on them.....

This am I rechecked my parameters and still like yesterday's, but I checked the tank water it came with and kt was at 1.024. Eek!!! Am I doomed? Anyone with experience?
By not acclimatizing the linkia very slowly you hightly stressed the creature. All inhabitants need some degree of acclimatization. One can not simply throw them in IMO>

As was posted the importantant thing is to have a mature tank so they do not starve to death. You can slow add more salt to raise to saliity.
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