01-10-2013, 10:11 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Calgary
Posts: 125
Originally Posted by albert_dao
Look up Geniacanthus. They're less like angels and more like overgrown anthias.
If you have a good budget, check these out:
• schooling* fish - small group of one of the nicer fairy/flasher wrasses (Lubbocks, Flame, Lineatus, McKosker's, etc), group of Royal Grammas (you have to buy these small and on the SAME DAY that they land, Royal Grammas change sex fast in captivity without a social hierarchy)
• cool little benthic fish - Ember blenny, Blue Spotted Jawfish, Dwarf Golden Moray, Mandarinfish, Yasha Haze Goby w/ Randall's Pistol Shrimp pair.
• showpiece fish - Geniacanthus wantanabei, Chaetodon declivis, Chaetodon mitratus, Marine betta, Starki Damsel, Candycane Hogfish.
Thank you Albert. I will have to look in all of these type of fishes and mostly to find one who sells them  One more thing I forgot to mention I have barebottom tank so no gobies 