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Old 01-10-2013, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Lighting is a very personal choice and if you love actinic bulbs then you love actinic bulbs :-) However, if you want a bit more PAR out of your bulbs but still retain the biofluorescent pop that actinics provide you then I would suggest KZ's 20K SuperBlue (or equivalent 20K T5 from ATI). It isn't an actinic bulb so it has more PAR yet it fluoresces corals quite nicely, similar to an actinic. I use them (KZ superblues) as accents on my Halide+T5 fixture. Just something for your consideration :-)

Also, I didn't know that T5 bulbs varied that much in price?
Thanks for the insight kien

Yah KZs are always $10+ more than ATI. Kinda bumpy!

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