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Old 01-10-2013, 09:02 AM
Mike-fish Mike-fish is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Ardrossan,Alberta
Posts: 460
Mike-fish is on a distinguished road

You should save 3-5% on the ph monitor by being in the group buy most products will be at better prices then usual some wont be due to manufactures restrictions or pricing controls ( ecotech, ai,). At all times you can get discounts by buying multiples on most items. If your part of a group buy you get the discount with out having to buy multiples. After being part of a group buy you are made a " preferred reefer" so you get a discount at all times it not as good as a group buy but more convenient. The nice thing is the group is large enough to join and if you don't like the deals you don't have to order anything.