Originally Posted by mattjoly85
I cycled my tank in a week. Using dr. Tim's (One and Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria) I put a few damsels in the sump and I haven't had a problem since on that tank. Beside me doing something stupid. Dropping the power bar into the sump.
This does not equate to the OP wanting to put all their critters in their tank all at once
Originally Posted by acepumping
all corals and fish in at one tike on day like 2 or 3.. I am gonn be using that stabalize stuff
The nitrogen cycle needs to be visited here, and the OP should re-consider their plans, or re-read about the cycle and have second thoughts
I don't want to come across as some kind of 'naesco' kinda guy( and I kinda respect naesco's thoughts most times), but there are limits to my keeping my lips 'zipped'
It's nice to see you asking questions about populating your tank, so take some good advice from members here
Don't rush it, and don't use 'snake oil' additives to 'help you along'
My opinion, albeit limited, is you will fail if you start a tank from scratch and add all that you said you will ....