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Old 01-10-2013, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by acepumping View Post
Hey. Just wonderin about starting my 150 gal with dry rock and adding all corals and fish in at one tike on day like 2 or 3.. I am gonn be using that stabalize stuff. Just windering if anybody else has tried this kindof startup here. If so I would like some feedback thanks a million
Besides what's already been stated ...

It's not very often that I pipe up on these threads when people are going to kill critters, but

Why would you want to rush it, and subject your critters to a possible lethal environment, or just flat out kill critters ?

Besides the fact that you are going to use 'that stabalize stuff' ...
How is that going to help you when you haven't mentioned what you will do otherwise to keep the fish healthy ??????

Ace, back away from the tank ....
Maybe you will have success, but most likely you will kill every critter you put in there - and that's a total waste of life
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