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Old 01-10-2013, 03:45 AM
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Originally Posted by chevyjaxon View Post
little bastard went after my new cleaner shrimp looking for a lunch..... trap is in and that wrasse will be soon on its way out.
If your wrasse wanted to eat your new shrimp he would have done so quickly and your shrimp would probably be done by now.

It is a vary natural response for some fish to be curious whenever you add something new. He could just be checking out the new shrimp. Sometimes fish will also try to assert their dominance and show newcomers who's boss by charging at them and chasing them for an initial period of time. This doesn't mean he's trying to eat your shrimp. Also, a lot of fish will recognize the cleaner shrimp for what he is, a cleaning shrimp and will try to engage the shrimp to get it to clean them. Sometimes the shrimp just don't want to clean the fish but the fish will keep trying to bother the shrimp to get them to do some cleaning.

At any rate, I wouldn't panic, unless of course you can actually witness and see your pink fairy wrasse nipping the shrimp's body and antennae. The antennae are usually the first to go if in fact the wrasse is trying to eat it.
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