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Old 01-10-2013, 03:03 AM
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michika michika is offline
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Just make sure that all your correspondence is polite, but firm, and try to refrain from emoting or making threats. I typically just include either a CC list or address the letter to all parties right at the top and then within the body ask that collectively all those involved work to solve the issue to your satisfaction.

Now should they respond favourably and be inclined to help you solve your issue it could play out in two ways. Depending on what type of negotiator you are, your style, may impact the outcome. E.g. If you say you specifically want X in your letter they may not be willing to do so, however since you're really clear on only being willing to accept X they may not offer you options Y, Z or A. In short, be conscious on any negotiating or requests you make in your letter.

Good luck!
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