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Old 01-07-2013, 07:57 PM
Aysha Aysha is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 238
Aysha is on a distinguished road
Default Cheap fish!! EDM

Adult Keyhole angel
Status healthy, bitemarks on his head are almost gone.
Reason for selling: not reef safe, clownfish beat him up.

Price 35.00 or trades for non aggressive fish/coral

ocellaris clownish pair
Young male adult female
Status healthy
Reason for selling:
Adult clownfish is a brawler, little clownfish is starting to pick up bad habits,
Adult killed a pygmy angel fish. Fights with Keyhole angel. Will be fine in a larger tank.

Price per pair 20.00 or trade for
non aggressive fish/coral

adult size
Status too healthy
Reason for selling: killed Hector my favorite fish. Don't trust him in my tank with new smaller fish. maybe be fine in a larger tank.
price 10.00
or trade for non aggressive fish/coral

Looking for softies bigger pieces, huge GSP for my overflow, stuff to fill my tank up.

Fish wanted
most gobys,dragonettes,bengii cardinals
Nice friendly fishes.
Tank is a 60 gallon cube set up to look like a tidal pool with DSB.

Let me know if you can help out.
Flexible for the right home or if you bring your own Fish Trap
There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says 'You man the cannons, I’ll drive’

Last edited by Aysha; 01-07-2013 at 08:00 PM.
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