for my corals, I make sure after acclimatation that there is no water from the original bag that goes in the tank.
I treat them with Rivive for about 15 minutes. I also do a Interceptor treatment for my SPS.
Ick mostly infest fish and fish gill. It could theorically be transmitted via a kist left on some coral but is it very uncommon way of transmission and very unlikely.
Usually the larvae that might be present in the coral water or on it, would be killed by Revive.
We don't use Revive to treat ick because that would efficiently kill the fish as well, but surely ick will die in it. Same for freshwater, ick will die in fresh water.
A lot of things will kill ick, formaline, freshwater or hyposalinity, chloroquinine and of course copper but copper is the most toxic and to be avoided.
Marine velvet is more of a problem, but chloroquinine and copper will kill this. It is the only time I would use copper for.
Ick is the least resistant parasite and the easiest to get rid of in quarantine.
For brook, it is formaline and chloroquinine that is efficient. TReatment like Paraguard is safe in quarantine tank and usually take care of brook in 5 to 7 days.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...