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Old 01-06-2013, 11:05 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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intarsiabox is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by carriej View Post
I am only using IO regular salt, so I figured while I am making an order I should pick up a few things to have here, I was not going to begin "dosing" anything until I gather a better understanding of what needs to be where.

I was just hoping that someone could recommend a good brand, as I see there are so many different ones out there. Liquids, powders, 2 step ones.. All a bit complicated.
As mentioned before bulk dry additives are the cheapest way to go for Calc, Alk and mag. Lots of people use Eli at Caco3reef. As for liquid 2 part ESV B-Ionic is good but you are paying for water. IO is usually pretty good except for low calcium, you want to just look at IO's Reef Crystals and you may not need to dose anything with regular water changes.
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