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Old 01-06-2013, 12:59 AM
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reefermadness reefermadness is offline
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reefermadness is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Bill@IA View Post
Thank you for the nice compliments, Leah and gregzz4.

Sure I may have over simplified my technique but that said there are no secrets either.

Once I was absolutely sure I could keep my Ca, and kH, rock solid stable and that my reef system had absolutely no Nitrate or Phosphate I located the most colourful "Aqua-Cultured" SPS frags I could find. My new Frags came from a system with similar water parameters and had grown into beauties under these aquarium conditions. Aqua-Cultured

My goal, once I added these to my system, was to do what ever I had to do to keep their colours..... that is it.

I didn't starve my reef to save my coral....I fed my reef to keep them happy. Starving them hurt the colour. As long as I had 0 Nitrate and 0 Phosphate the colour never changed one bit, and my coral grew like crazy.

Before you are the results......and to the hobbyist that I obtained my seed frags from.....Congrats on your annointment, dvanacker aka reefermadness as Reef Centrals honorary December Tank of the Month Award 2012 . A world class hobbyist with a world class aquarium.

Thanks Bill. Its nice that you mention me but you did all the work and it looks great. I also know you got a collection of corals in there from all over.

Its true about no special secrets or potions though....the methods are basic but hard to grasp sometimes for what ever reason (it took me a while too). I'm so glad to see fellow and local reefers achieve this kind of success and I think if we keep spreading the word about what is possible that we will see more and more.