People are offended way too easily. Seem that it's easier to see a bad side to a post then the other way around.
So what if I don't like artificial display in a tank? why should that offend anyone? it's my taste. who cares what I think if they like it then they should put it in their tank.
Often when people learn that my artificial sponges are artificial they reply that I am ruining my tank with fake sponges. Do I care? not one bit
I simply put them in my tank because I like them. I do not need anyone to agree with me on that one, it's my tank and mine alone. I have done it for myself, not for anyone else, and of course for the comfort of my reef inhabitants.
Anyone putting such thread can expect to read various opinions, good or bad about arficial display.
Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
Except "political correctness" can also be offensive to some people. What you meant, I think, is tact.
I've had my run-ins with Daniella in the past, but have learned to respect her opinion. If anything, she might not be as articulate (another word for long winded) in English and come across as too blunt at times.