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Old 01-04-2013, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Except "political correctness" can also be offensive to some people. What you meant, I think, is tact.

I've had my run-ins with Daniella in the past, but have learned to respect her opinion. If anything, she might not be as articulate (another word for long winded) in English and come across as too blunt at times.
And there is no tone in a post. A bunch of people sitting around chatting can get away with saying the same thing because tone changes the words. Can't do that here.

Either way, I like the large fake displays at Rainforest Cafe, etc and I would honestly hate to come in and see a real display that wasn't being taken care of, with everything dying, which is what would happen at most of these franchises and businesses if they had a real living reef.
So many ideas, so little money!
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