Casey has been fixed with laser surgery (poor dude) and has already reached 14lbs

He obviously loves being indoors with food on demand as he's never attempted to run away anytime he's been outside. His new home is only a block or so from where he was found, so I'd say he's happy where he is
He gets along very well with Smokey, and the 2 of them do a good job of keeping the mom-in-law busy, including waking her up at all hours racing around the house after each other
I only met him for the first time on Christmas Day and was able to pick him up after about an hour. He's a big sucky purring machine when the visiting 2-year-old isn't around
He still doesn't like his belly touched, but that won't last long with all the attention he's getting
So, for reference, this is Casey last summer when he was still feral and starving
Here's some shots from Christmas Day
Looks a bit filled in now, doesn't he