One of my main concerns with watching these shows is it gives the unrealistic expecation to people that watch the show that you can set up a tank and put in 20 large fish or more and they will survive and be healthy. Also the types of fish they add in the tanks is ridiculous!! I'd say they are a joke aswell as they don't seem to care about the health of their livestock after the fact. My favorite part was when they were building the large reef tank and trying to convince the guy to go fish only because it was going to be soooo difficult to maintain!! The guy lived in Miami and already had a 150gal full reef tank and they thought he didn't know anything. I guarantee he knew more about coral and reefs then the guys on the show!! It was pretty pathetic to be honest. These guys just want to build big fish only tanks and have no idea what a full reef tank should look like!! Also them trying to place corals on top of the rocks with tongs was really funny to watch. We all know how well corals just stay once placed somewhere without using putty or something like that!!