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Old 12-31-2012, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
I would not panic over the crapped ph meter Christy. I have mine on my RK2 but never read it. I dont think Brad even owns one. Cant see it having any effect one way or the other on hair algae.

Still think just following normal routine, scrubbing out the long stuff as best one can and when time permits. And perhaps the seahare idea. {is that whats its called}.

With my own version of the Asmodeus Red Turf Plague,, is seems to be a never ending battle keeping up with it. No matter how much water changes or GFO or whatever. I also had serious bubble algae, {wont say where from, }. Besides regular cleaning of both........the best solution seems for me to be the critters to control it, whatever the problem is.

Added a whack of snails from JL and a pin cushion urchin and the seem to be working on the red turf. Two monster looking and one smaller emerald crabs are doing a great job on the bubble algae.
Yeah, I'm not overly worried about the pH probe. I had one in my cart at the J&L boxing day sale but removed it and opted for something else. I do think more snails and a couple emerald crabs would be handy (I have bubble algae too ) but the selection around here is so freaking limited its really sad, I thought the winter was prime time for shipments. I didn't even have much luck at the stores in Victoria a few weeks ago although I did manage to find some astreas and a tuxedo urchin. No turbo snails though, I haven't seen those in a very long time and I suspect they would do a better job on some of the algaes.
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