Originally Posted by Reef_Geek
Looks like the markets aren't reacting to the impending midnight fiscal cliff at all. There's a few articles out this morning, but at the peak of Fri vs low of Mon (so far)... it's only been a drop of 0.97% at the widest gap for the Dow Jones industrial average. Rest of the indices have gone up.
This is disappointing. I was hoping to take a contrarian tactic here...
They are playing the pass the hot potato game right now. The Dem controlled Senate is waiting until the last minute to give the Repub House a deal they know won't pass. Then they can blame the Repubs for going over the cliff.
Any deal passed today will be meaningless. The big negotiation will happen in the new year with the debt ceiling coming up in a couple months. Then they will be forced to do something big, one way or the other.