Originally Posted by tgrover
Hi Brad,
This isn't my first time raising money. I've been in business for 20 years in Edmonton. Have you ever been to the Stollery? They have world class equipment and world class therapeutic amenities for kids or parents.
Believe me, I am not nieve and I'm not on the outside. I wouldn't be wasting my time if I didn't think we could do this. I'm a determined guy, you have no idea. A personal attack was a bit offside... But I know this wont be easy.
Tim sorry if anything came across as personal, it wasn't. As a parent of a sick child, I get a bit frustrated, I didn't intend to attack you personally, just the idea

I have no doubt you can do this, I'm just saying you shouldn't. It's not a good use of money. That's all I'm saying.
I haven't been to Stollery, but I do know of it's reputation, especially for trached kids. I know families that use their services, and one of our old RTs moved there to work. They do have a world class facility.
However, I'm sure if you talk to the staff and administration, mention you have 50k and were thinking of supplying a tank and support, or do they think it could be better spent, they would pick the better spent.