I know lots of people want to help...here are some ideas that just take a bit of time.
Parents with sick kids are stuck at the ward. They often live in other cities. Go up to the ward and offer to buy them dinner, then go get it for them. Be aware of allergies on the ward.
Offer parents your spare room for a weekend. It's gotta be better than the limited accommodations on the ward.
Donate pillows and blankets. We have a group of elderly women that make quilts for all the newborns. It's really appreciated. Get a similar group together in your area.
Toys and kids posters. Always in short supply. Books. Offer a book reading session for groups of kids.
Sign language. If you know it, teach it to the staff. my daughter is old enough to talk now, but none of the staff know sign. They all want to learn, but there is no funding for lessons. Many do it on their own, but it's tough without instruction.
Go ask the hospital how you can help. Lots of ways to assist the kids without spending money.
Lastly, if you have a bag of money to donate, ask the hospital how best to allocate it.(hint: they don't need any fish
