Originally Posted by mr.wilson
I have no idea how or if they filter the seawater first. The industry is too small to have its own collection and dehydration station, so the salt used would be from the same source as my bag of Miss Vickie's.
This would imply general following of FDA standards.
The other question is how salts interact as they dehydrate. Adding salt to an insufficient quantity of water or adding water directly to salt will yield strange results so I would assume the same is true of the dehydration process???
I have thought about this, and then thought, "I guess they figured it out."
If you are supplementing daily, there must be a high demand; I hope you are testing before you dose
Haha, yes a few things! I do test iron and vitamin d for applicable dosing! Omega 3 and calcium is a guess!
Yeah, let's keep this civil and limit the discussion to safe topics like religion and politics.