12-29-2012, 11:21 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Langley BC
Posts: 1,883
DIY Overflow
From a past thread...
Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
I posted this on a recent thread. You can add a 90 degree elbow at the end of the overflow, instead of the cap and the open end up (cut it to choose the height you want) will serve as an emergency overflow if your slots get plugged. The airline tubing attached to the intake of your return pump is essential to prevent loss of siphon and to auto start it.
Foolproof overflow. Will not lose siphon due to micro bubbles, and will auto start even after power outage. Airline tubing is connected to return pump input. And totally quiet.
I was using an undrilled tank as a refugium for a while, and made this out of 1 1/4 inch PVC. Worked great.
