Yes, lots of minimalist aquascaping for now, the left side of the tank has more built up structures, but its hard to see from the photo's angle. We still haven't added anything specific to start the tank's cycle yet, it seems to be starting itself anyways, must be the live sand.
Yup 16 dKH, or 289ppm x 0.056 = 16.688.
New parameters from this afternoon though;
Temp: 75.7
Ammonia (NH3/NH4): 0 - 0.25ppm (yay a bit of an ammonia spike)
Nitrate (NO3): 0ppm
Nitrite (NO2): 0ppm
pH: 8.1
dKH: 289ppm, which again is still 16.688 dKH (wow! That is high! Coralife Marine Salt)
I am pretty indifferent to the salt's parameter given that there is nothing in the tank, but