Hey Shawn, nice to see you posting on CanReef! [Mindy here]
I know a few people who stopped using H2 Ocean because the alk of freshly mixed water at 35ppt was 14 dkh. [...] Apparently, this problem has been amended with the new H2 Ocean mix.
When was that problem, and the change? My buckets (I've only used 5 buckets to date though) always test around 7.5 to 8.5 dKH (Elos).
Perhaps that one loose end parameter such as iodide or potassium will fall in line with a brand change. Perhaps your current salt mix has a surplus of one particular element that your tank inhabitants don't readily utilize; a brand change will likely amend this issue.
Yes, this is an interesting point.
I also look at what others are using and IORC seems to be the most common brand for public aquaria and large scale reef tanks such as Chingchai's in Thailand.
I think IO and IORC are the most poplar salts in the world mainly because of pricing and availability. IO was the first commerical salt mix to be readily available to hobbyists and professionals. They work - there is no doubt about that.
As you know, H2Ocean is a natural sea salt and IO and IORC are synthetic. It's like comparing natural and synthetic vitamins (which is all the rage these days), where some people claim there is no scientific difference between the way to body metabolizes synthetic vitamins compared to natural, yet there is plenty of data to support the other side of the argument as well. The frustrating thing about reefing is that there is very little scientific data to go on, and if there is any it is done by one professional with no comparative results from other researchers. Most of or "research" is anecdotal which is sketchy at best.
I just bought another years' supply of H2Ocean yesterday. The sale price of the H2Ocean was the same as the regular price of IO, so I really have nothing to lose. At this point, even if it is mind over matter
it's working.
Originally Posted by asylumdown
Even within one bucket of IO, the mix is so inconsistent.
Are you mixing/rolling the bucket before use?
Originally Posted by Madreefer
Hmmm... wish I never asked the question. I just have to decide if it's worth spending $40 more per bucket of salt which turns out to an extra $480 a year in salt. Might try it but will have to wait for next trip to Vancouver. I dont know if I should be pi$$ed at you or thank you for the response. HAHA JK thanks

Find a good sale, or ask if your LFS can give you deal on 10 buckets. Try it for a year, and if you don't see anything, then you can be pi$$ed at me. OR, if you're happy...leave well enough alone!