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Old 05-18-2004, 02:43 AM
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mr_alberta mr_alberta is offline
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Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap
Which EuroReef do you have, how much did it cost, and where did you get it? Also how quiet is it?

I bought it used for $240 shipped to my door from the US! I though it was a steal since they go for $399 at JL's so I snapped it up. I have the Euro Reef ES5-2 rated for 75Gallons (don't know how true that aspect is however). As for the quietness of it, I can barely hear it when I sit at my desk which is about 6' away from my skimmer (and my skimmer sits out in the open, not in my cabinet or anything). All I hear is the slight sound of air being sucked in by the pump.
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