Originally Posted by Myka
I used to feel the same way as Darryl and Tony about Instant Ocean, but having made the change back and forth between IO and H2Ocean 4 times I've noticed a significant change in my reef tanks each time. I won't use IO on my reefs anymore, I've decided IO is for FO tanks only. I haven't used RC on my reefs in many years, but every once in awhile I use it on my FO tanks when I can't get IO. Besides, H2Ocean is natural sea salt - there has to be a difference using natural sea salt as opposed to synthetic sea salt...there has to be. 
What changes have you noticed? You've posted a few times that most of your hicups are when you are away from your tank for extended times. You as well as most anybody else know that tank recoveries are not quick. So if your tank has recovered is it due to you changing of salts or maintaining them better? I'd love to try the H2O salt but it's hard enough to get IO in my town.