Thread: Balling method
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Old 12-27-2012, 06:15 PM
PFoster PFoster is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
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I have never run the full balling method, I have always been running the balling lite so that very well could be part of the difference in our experiences.
With Balling lite, a good skimmer and carbon + Phosban from either ltf or FM my redox has always been in the 400 range without ozone. Nitrate and phosphates have always been undetectable (even when i was getting the algae from the bulk additives).

For those that are not aware of the differences, the short and skinny is that the full balling method uses nacl free salts + water changes + fw top off to reduce salinity.
Balling lite does not use nacl free salts. It advices 10% weekly wc's to avoild chloride build up which really you should be doing anyways....

As for the filamentous algae its a very stringy course algae. Not hair algae and not bryopsis but green and it attaches at a single point similar to bryopsis (but def not bryopsis). I have seen this type of algae before in new tanks but my system was beyond well established. I will keep an eye out and see if I can find any at a local shop or something and snap a pic.
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