Originally Posted by PFoster
I have tried TONS and TONS of other bulk ca, alk, mg additives and nothing mixes as well, stays as crystal clear and keeps my organic levels nearly as low as the Fauna line. I read a post in this thread with respect to nurtrient build up, this may be an issue with bulk additives. I tried using a bulk alkalinity solution one time that mixed clear but after about 6 weeks i started to get a filamentous algae. Changed back to fauna, did a couple wc's and it never came back. Hard to say for sure of course.
I keep seeing this, and similar experiences, as I waffled back and forth between balling and reactors to dose my XL system.
Can you elaborate more on the filamentous algae that came about?
I know its kind of an off question, but I'm trying to see if there is any pattern between your tank's reaction to the bulk chemicals and other similar complaints I've read/seen on RC and other forums.
I'm wondering if there is something common about the algaes and/or other symptoms people write about when they say they feel that their chemicals/additives are the cause of tank problems.
Does this make sense?