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Old 12-27-2012, 08:12 AM
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I deal with H2S a lot at my work although in considerably larger quantities than an aquarium tank will release and one of the easier ways to get rid of or diffuse the H2S is to have a continuous airflow with fresh air. All is required is a standard house fan and a source of fresh air IE. another room, fresh air from outside or just circulate throughout house. You can smell as little as 2 parts per million of H2S and while not generally harmful at those lvls prolonged exposure will give you symptoms but over a period of days anything over 10 parts is considered to be detrimental in as little as 8 hrs.

However that being said if you feel nauseous or have a headache from the H2S smell stop circulating the air immediately and go outside for fresh air and drink plenty of water till you no longer feel nauseous or headache has gone fresh air is the best and easiest way to diffuse H2S I don't think aquarium tanks will produce enough h2s to cause those issues but you never know.
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