Originally Posted by Myka
Have you ever tried weaning off the GFO? Asking out of interests' sake. I haven't met many people that say biopellets alone keeps PO4 <0.08 ppm.
Hahaha, "I'm sure it might"?
Why would an LFS in the city let you take customers away from them by piggybacking on their order? That doesn't make sense.
Ran nothing but pellets for 6 months & just for extra measure added the GFO.
Not every reefer in my area likes to travel to the city's on a monthly basis for many reason, cost to travel being one & no everyone can afford it. A couple stores I have talked to realize this & offered to get me stuff for there cost + 5% allowing me to still make some money to restock. It's called a business relationship, everyone makes a little & customers are happy.